Benefits of keeping live plants in office

We all know that plants absorb carbon dioxide and expel oxygen. The benefits, both physical and psychological are evidenced in numerous scientific studies. Plants in the workplace offer more than aesthetic value. Adding a few well-positioned plants brings a welcoming feel to your work space. Studies have shown they help reduce stress, enhance employee attitudes, increase productivity, and improve air quality.

Plants have powerful properties and can actually significantly improve your office environment. Having an office plant or desk plant at your place of work cleans the air and prevents you from getting sick. Indoor plants have an incredible list of benefits for those that surround their homes and offices with these stress and germ-busting beauties. Here are just a few of the benefits of going green in the office:

Reduce Stress and Promote Comfort:

Indoor plants can reduce stress levels and physiological effects such as lower blood pressure in work environments. It increases attentiveness and improves the productivity of employees in the office. A study conducted in 2010, significant reductions of were recorded where plants were located in the office.

  • Reduction of Tension/Anxiety by 37%
  • Reduction of Depression/Dejection by 58%
  • Reduction of Anger/Hostility by 44%
  • Reduction of Fatigue by 38%

One plant per workspace increases staff spirits, promote wellbeing and performance. Plants make office environments more calming, nicer place, more interesting, colorful and relaxing. Plants make us feel more comfortable and enable us to perceive our surroundings better. 

Increase productivity:

Plants reduce excess carbon dioxide in the air and thus improve concentration, Cognitive tasks, focus therefore increasing productivity within the workforce. Fewer mistakes are made, tasks are completed faster and, in the case of computer workers, productivity increased by between 10%-15% according to numerous studies conducted.

Reduce sickness and absence:

Plants in an office environment have been reported to reduce absenteeism by 50%, and minor illness by 30%. Reducing absence within the business which maintains productivity and reduces the cost of absence year on year.

Makes work environment better:

Indoor plants in office make the place nicer and make office environment comfortable. Plants improve office surroundings for employees and make the place more welcoming for clients.

Cleaner air to breathe:

Keeping one plant per three employees improves air quality, reduces CO2 by 50%, reduces dust by 20%, and bacteria which would otherwise be inhaled by employees. Plants also reduce toxins created by plastics, paint, furniture, carpets, and certain cleaning products. Plants with correct placements increase humidity by 20%, therefore reducing dry air caused by the air conditioner. Illnesses such as Tickly coughs are much less common.

Noise Levels Reduction:

Ambient noise is reduced in an office as much as 5 decibels. Plants reduce background noise which otherwise is distracting, increasing concentration among office workers.

Improves creativity:

Studies have shown that plants increase creativity by 15%. Plants make us feel more relaxed, secure, and happy. They incline us to think positive and make you more creative at work.

Makes you look healthier:

Plants reduce dry skin by 20% making office workers healthier and feeling happier.

Plants best for office environmentsIf your office environment has air conditioning, periods where the office is empty etc. then it requires some forethought.

Some plants which will thrive include:

  • Aloe
  • Spider plants
  • Cactus
  • Succulents
  • English Ivy
  • Rubber plant
  • Peace lily
  • Pothos
  • Jade Plant
  • Dieffenbachia
  • Snake Plant
  • Ficus
  • Heart-Leaf Philodendron
  • Peperomia
  • Shamrock Plant
  • Fiddle-Leaf Fig
  • Areca Palm